Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Show Me Your Patriotism Contest

I don't know what it is, but I have a soft spot for military fics lately. Due to the pride I felt with writing Blood and Honor, and despite it not winning the anonymous contest it was submitted for, I decided to try again.

New contest, new story. And this one bit me hard. It started off easy enough, even made an outline for it, and I never do outlines, but when it came down to writing it I couldn't stop. The characters wouldn't shut up! I had researched for three weeks, wrote for another, and the time to have Project Team Beta look over it came and went. Entries are due by midnight August 1, so in my panic, I begged my good friends who've beta'd for me before, Ms CVG and moxieandmirth, to help me. I also made a new friend on facebook, Sunflower Fanfiction, who is also lending her beta services. And wouldn't you know, PTB came through and they now have the chapter in queue, so I may be able to enter this contest yet! Something went wrong when I submitted the story application, so after a few quick emails late last night, I got the confirmation this morning that I'll have it back in a week. Yay!

The Show Me Your Patriotism Contest is also anonymous, so I can't post it yet or leave any clues so that you can figure out which is mine, but I'm very proud of this story as well. There are only four entries so far, and I really like two of them, so there's definitely some competition! Here's the link: SMYP Contest Voting is open August 5th thru 12th, and winners will be announced the 15th.

So please vote for your favorite. Wish me luck!

Friday, July 13, 2012

My first rec!

My newest O/S, Blood and Honor, is among four other stories recommended by the Cheese Shop, a group on facebook. I'm so excited! My very first rec! Thank you so much to Pinky Masen for selecting my fic in particular and pimping it!

Here's the link to their blog:
Cheese of the Week Recs July 9-15

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Coming Soon in Second Chance

(unbeta'd teaser, please forgive any errors)

Chapter Twenty

“Emmett! I’m so glad you answered. Are you okay, is everyone alright?” Alice asked, panic in her tone.

“Yeah, of course. Why?” I was almost afraid to ask.

“I just had a vision that the Volturi were after you. Where’s Carlisle?” she asked frantically.

“He was with me this morning for the groundbreaking and then he was leaving with Marcus. He should be over the Atlantic by now.”

“Oh no. I’ve got a bad feeling about this, Bear.”

“Why don’t you start by telling me what’s going on, or call Edward? I’m in the middle of a date. Are we in danger, Pixie?” There was no way we were getting out of the limo while I was on the phone.

Klarissa reached out and held my hand. “Do you we need to head home?” she whispered.

I shook my head. Even though Alice sounded like she was really nervous about something, I wasn’t going to act on it until I knew more.

“Have you taken her to eat yet?” Alice was very direct, so I knew she was getting serious.

“Yeah. We’re in the limo, we were just about to get out and go to the mall,” I answered and watched for Klarissa’s reaction.

“He saw you at the restaurant. I’m not sure how, but he saw you and he’s coming after you. He’s very, very upset. I’m so scared for you, Bear,” Alice explained.

My smile from looking at my girlfriend turned upside down very quickly. “Who, Alice? Who?” Klarissa squeezed my hand in an effort to comfort me.
