Thursday, May 23, 2013

Second Chance 'Officially' complete :)

I've finally posted Klarissa's outtake. I know a lot of the other authors that participated in the SU4K posted as soon as it was allowed, but for some reason, it just didn't feel like it was the right time for me. Sadly, Katalina has passed and is dancing in Heaven, so I suppose I feel... I don't know, nostalgic, maybe?, for finally posting it. I miss her encouraging, funny, and ballet posts on facebook; it's been silent since March. RIP, beautiful dancer.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fandom for Oklahoma

It is with heartfelt sympathy and utter determination to help that I pledge to donate to this newest fandom cause.

I have lived in Missouri all my life, which is in Tornado Alley, so I'm very attuned to the weather. I've personally witnessed several tornadoes throughout my life, so I know first hand what the damage is like. This being said, it is some of the most frightening and unreal moments that I have lived through. Each tornado is unique, though they may share similar characteristics. They're unpredictable and extremely dangerous.

Survivors mourn for those lost, clean up, and re-establish their communities. Remember the monstrous EF-5 tornado that obliterated Greensburg, KS May 7, 2007? Or how about the catastrophic EF-5 multi-vortex tornado that struck the southern side of Joplin, MO on May 22, 2011?

As Americans, we have a long history of dealing with tragedy, coping, and moving on. As a fanfic author in the awesome family known as the Twilight fandom, I'm answering the call for help. Within a day, a group on Facebook was formed and a site built in response to those asking, "What can I do?"

Here's the site: Fandom for Oklahoma Donors get to select which organization their dollars can go to: the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, or the ASPCA. Please give a donation by July 7 in order to receive the compilation. Thank you for helping out your fellow humans (and pets).

Monday, May 13, 2013

Special love!

The amazing Quinn Lark wrote a guest review on fic central for B & B! *squee* I was surprised and amazed by her kind words! Here, check it out: Quinn's review on ficcentral