Sunday, August 26, 2018


Porn post alert!

What a beautiful gif! Wish I knew the source. *sigh* #dpfantasy

Saturday, August 25, 2018


*knock knock*

Hi there! It's me! I'm still here! Just hadn't posted anything in, like, forever! Hadn't written anything either, but the bug has bitten me recently, so stay tuned for a comeback! LOL!

I find myself writing contest entries lately. A lovely group of ladies on Facebook came up with a fun summer contest. Edward, of course, so would you believe it?! I wrote not one - but TWO - postcard entries! Both Edward POV! The contest was Summer VacationWard Postcard Contest and was only on Facebook:

Please find both entries on my O/S page!

Thank you for your continued interest in my mostly non-canon fics!

~ Louise