Sunday, October 21, 2012

teaser from Klarissa's Journey: a Second Chance outtake

Here is a teaser from the Second Chance outtake I've written in Klarissa's POV. The chapter will be amidst other works included in the compilation for StandUp4Katalina, so it will not be posted until January 2013. Donate as little as $5 by Oct 25, and you can read it Nov 3.  ;)

Reverend Weber reached behind him and brought forth a large box. “According to an American-Indian legend, by making a wish and giving a butterfly its freedom, the wish will be taken to the heavens and be granted.

Butterflies symbolize new beginnings, freedom, and happiness. For just a moment, think silently of what you would wish for Klarissa and Emmett.

We have gathered here today to grant this couple all our best wishes and are about to set these butterflies free in trust that every wish will be granted.”

Emmett and I took the box from the reverend, and with shaking hands, I untied the ribbon around the box.

“The butterflies will now be released to carry forth the good news of your promises of love and commitment for each other.”

The excitement I felt as Emmett and I removed the lid off the box seemed contagious. The guests gasped and applauded as they slowly flew out and around us. One landed on Emmett’s nose, and I couldn’t help but laugh for a moment, but when he left it alone and grinned, I smiled back. Ever the protector, like a bear, but with a heart as gentle as a butterfly, the image described my husband perfectly.

Reverend Weber read the poem, “Learn to Fly” by Larry James as Emmett and I released the butterflies. It was beautiful and I was glad Alice had found it. It was perfect for the end of our ceremony.

My message to Katalina...

Please click the link below to go the post on her blog.
A Message from Louise Clark